Great, Good, or Decent

Which of these 3 descriptors of GenX strength fits you? Soon you will soon learn what great, good, and decent powers mean to your health span and lifespan. Your bottom line?

A great GenX “down ages” while a decent GenX ages too soon.

Speaking of life and health, researchers determined in the worst COVID-19 pandemic years that the value of each human life was ten million US dollars. Yes, you are worth “7 figures.” Take pride in your physical bank and stand strong as an enduring ten-million-dollar person. Invest in your physical bank as do Dara, Dwayne, and Todd.

Leverage these physical banking pages and weighty words for good reason. As The Town Pants sing, “words on a page can weigh a ton.” Weigh these words to make health your new wealth. Move things in your way rather than skirt them. Invest in your cornerstone of functional strength for a notable return that is measured in extra years.